Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Releases + 4 YRS + Screen Prints + Wood Stove = Pre School

4 years of big blood, who celebrates their 4 year anniversary? we do. our new release "dark country magic" Can be purchased here:dontrustheruin or downloaded for free here:WFMU FMA

also our band with s. br. oak called "dark urRru" just released a split cassette with our great friends WaterFinder on the AMAzInG Peasant Magik Label... and that can be purchased here


  1. Congrats on your four magic years! So many great songs in such a short space of time. Can't wait to listen to the new one.

  2. Thanks for the CDs (and the 7"), they somehow arrived on Christmas Eve. Amazed they made it through the snow but so glad they did. Enjoyed it immensely.

    Happy 2011.

    p.s. you appear to be getting reviews on youtube.

  3. Happy New Year and Happy 4-Year! We just downloaded Dark Country Magic from the link above and will be enjoying it together this evening and thinking of you all. Peace and love to your family and the household ~ Matt & Jackie
