Monday, April 12, 2010

APRIL 17th : COllaboration: Big BLood + Chuck Bettis, 10 (from Japan) & IDM THeft Able At the Aphodion

10 is from JAPAN ...their first US Tour and our dear NYC/DC tour buddy Chuck Bettis of the All Scars, Measles, Mumps Rhubella...) will be collaborating with us(Big Blood) along with Shonny baby (who accomapanied us at space on the 20th with killah drums.) 
IdM TheftAble will be blowing our minds with a piano set!!!
All at the Apohadian  107 Hanover ST Portland, ME in our tiny "Warehouse District".
Come out and see live wackness and support  Apohadian Awesomeness!


  1. Oh man, I wish we could make this show!!! feels like its going to be incredible. blow a sonic bubble for us!!!!

  2. we'll be thinking of you'all

    love to olai
