Monday, September 14, 2015

++NEW RELEASES ++ Video Nasties & Fragile Clark

Video Nasties – Horror Holocaust s.l.p. - DTTR049 – CASSETTE

pro dubbed/ and imprinted

Hands down our favorite band in Maine. Their 4th and finest release to date guaranteed to move your feet, hips and bowels. Disco/Punk/J. Wobble and J. Carpenter heroics. Word on the street is they do kids parties as well.... 
not my kid, NO WAY.
get 'em while they last
49 copies for Maine
49 copies for everybody else.

4 songs 20 minutes


 Fragile Clark – Frazzled Clark - DTTR048 - CASSETTE

pro dubbed/printed and imprinted.

Bedroom/Bathroom music of the highest order. Roky is still alive and kicking but I imagine that somewhere back in the early 80's he may have hallucinated a little piece of himself onto Clark's mind.... "leave your body behind" and hold onto your seats beats 'cause it doesn't get any better or cracked than this... outsider or insider music? You decide. Up next 16 worlds.

Fragile Clark - Loves you even if he doesn't know you, or knows you and has told you or implied that he hates you, or you insist that you hate him; NAMO KUAN SHR PU SA..... OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, KELLELUJAH, AMEN..... OM MANI PADME HUM.... NAMASTE.... DOO WHA DIETY, DIETY DUM, DEITY DOO 11:11

7 songs 22 minutes
FRAGILE CLARK"S Bandcamp here