Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This Wednesday....Big Blood + Br. Oak = Dark UrrrU

January 27th, 2010

S. Portland, ME

158 Pickett Street Bakery


(Big Blood meets S. Br. Oak meets Crass)

Uke Of Spaces Corners

(Belfastian Upliftedness)

Deep Egypt

8pm $5 sugg.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bro Oak is here

You can get Psychic Sun Shine from dontrustheruin records and from Tomentosa records

Time Lag is also distributing our friend Br. OAK

Caleb is currently mixing  Brom "Garm" Garmin's LP at our house. I am listening to it.
This will be our first vinyl release.
Dontrustheruin released a  "Garm" CD titled  Zeros back in the Early days of Big Blood
so it only seems fitting that we release our first LP with him.