Holy tapes that look and sound good!
Our friends and compadres from Athens, Greece a.k.a.Reverse Mouth totally rule!! One member, Panagiotis runs a label here. He put a lovely tape version of our album The Grove about a year ago. I just love his taste in paper and print.
We played two shows with Reverse Mouth two weeks ago at a barn in Conway, Mass withHorse Spirit Penetrates(love love love 'em), a solo performance from Human Adult Band which stole my heart, and Michael Jackson--michael thomas jackson that is. (I have to add a side note...I truly hate the formatting, messaging and pop up freak-out-ness of myspace. However the upside of that ruinous marketing tool is that we can all go to these band sites and hear what people are doing right now... and for that i am sort of thankful.)
i drew during almost all of the sets at the barn show.
Thanks to Kieran for his superior hospitality, HSP's killer set, and bear hugginess. We stayed up waaaay to late--not being parents just music-cans, riding the crazy frenetic moshing energy of the night and taking cracks at lame contemporary singers while defending Sade, thanks to the late night crew.
The pawtucket show was more serious and somber. we wer lucky to play with Uke of spaces and lucky they played on our set. Soo many friends came out it was overwhelming and awesome. I forgot my camera or maybe i left it at home on purpose. Here's the scrawling diary like snapshots of our two day "tour".